Wednesday 22 October 2008


The mention of what we was going to call our film caused quite a debate in our group, and quite a few methods for selecting one were tried. Having thought up quite a few suitable names for our thriller the night before, i had a choice of names that i posed to the group. Some of these were....

- Target
- Flash
- Exposure
- Shutter
- Polaroid
- Invasion
- Capture

I particularly favoured the names that related to camera terms, (exposure, shutter, flash, polaroid), as i felt they didn't give too much of our plot away, but were appropriate and catchy. The rest of the group suggested a few other names that they liked, but we all stuck to our one favourite when it came down to choosing just one. My favourite name was exposure. This is because the three definitions of the term that relates to our film are...

- The amount of radiant energy needed to expose a photographic film. (a camera is vital to our plot as it is a stalkers favourite tool.)
- Revelation, especially of crime or guilt. (our film is about a crime)
- The condition of being subjected to a source of risk. (our main character is seriously at risk)

So, that is why i thought 'Exposure' was highly suitable for the title of our film. However, as we are working in groups, all other members are entitled to their say on such decisions and so we decided the fairest way of choosing our title, was for us each to write our chosen title on a piece of paper, and then to get someone to choose a one of the bits of paper, and see which is our title.
As it happens, Christina's choice of title was chosen. Her favourite was 'Capture', and i am happy with this choice as it does reflect some of the themes incorporated in our film.



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