Monday 13 October 2008

Our idea

The idea

As our animatic was described as unclear, i thought i should explain what our film is about and the relevance of the shots in our opening sequence.
The main theme of our film is stalking. It will have the basic plot of man stalking a range of girls, embellished with a series of twists to make the film more interesting. Ambiguity is a key factor in our film, we want to keep the audience guessing throughout the main duration of the film, whilst still keeping them hooked and wanting to know more. Hopefully, our opening title sequence to demonstrate this as we are using a montage of clips to reveal a little of the plot, creating suspense, without giving away too much. We've used the thriller 'Se7en' as our predominant inspiration, as we felt the title sequence for that particualar film was similar to what we wish to achieve in our own. We liked the fast pace of it and the ability it has to keep the audience gripped and in suspense.
In our own opening sequence, we decided to start it off slow, with a wide shot of a leaking tap. We then agreed to put a red tint over this particular shot to make the genre of the film more apparant at the start. After another shot of the leak, this time flowing towards a foot, we then decided to make it more racy and add a series of fast shots of different objects. The music we had made on Garage band reflected the pace of the sequence well. We decided to use objects such as polaroids, a computer and gloves, as they are all things that a stalker may use when watching his prey. Written titles will be incorporated into our sequence in between the different shots of objects. To accentuate the theme of stalking into our opening sequence, i came up with the idea of filming different clips of someone cutting out letters from a newspaper/magazine. At first it wont be entirely obvious what is happening, but the last shot in our sequence will be of all the letters the person has cut out, spelling out the title of our film.
We decided to use only non-digetic sound in our sequence as we thought it would look more professional this way. The main sound will obviously be the soundtrack we have created on Garageband.
So basically, that is our idea.



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