Monday 13 October 2008

Animatic Feedback

after showing our class our animatic, we received both positive and negative feedback on it...

- "good, eerie music... but a little out of time in some places."
- "need to clean up frames."
- "good selection of shot types."
- "Good link from music to shots."
- "Music was very good."
- "didn't really understand the story."
- "It looks like you ran out of time to re-size your frames but...
- "it's edited really quickly, so much so that some of the frames go by too quickly to be able to see what is in them (especially the written titles)".
- "the mise-en-scene seems clear and appropriate, and the music is suitably eerie for a thriller."
- "some of the frames could use a little bit more detail for clarification."
- "good selection of shots."
- "music went with the theme of the pictures."
- "the storyboard was good."

Overall, we were fairly happy with the feedback as it was relatively positive, and the negative comments will help when improving our thriller. Faults in our animatic such as frames not being re-seized, are mainly due to the fact that we were last to take pictures of our storyboard. This meant that we had the least time to construct our animatic on final cut and edit it to look more presentable. As our thriller opening sequence is very fast-paced, we had a lot of shots to storyboard and eventually film. We are prepared to alter things such as the length of some shots that go too quickly and making some of the shots clearer so the plot is more understandable. Making the animatic has shown us that we need to plan our time better in order to film all our shots acurately and have time to edit it well.



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